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Noesis Data Handling Capabilities

Complex Filters Dialog for advanced filtering of Acoustic Emission or arbitrary data.  

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Noesis can load and use either acoustic emission data in the form of PAC DTA, TDA and WFS (Waveform Streaming) files or arbitrary data from any application in the form of ASCII text files (TXT module required). The data is loaded in a Noesis document which provides the environment to handle data (view, filter, group etc.). The user has almost infinite choices as to how the data is viewed and analyzed. Below is a list of some of the operations the user can perform when manipulating data (either acoustic emission or arbitrary). (see also Source Location).

  • Any number of data points can be selected by mouse or pre-set operations (such as cluster selection, data point by number etc.) including logical selection modes (AND, OR, AND-NOT). Selections reflect on ALL views, drastically enhancing the users insight.

  • Selections can be made on ANY plot (scatter, projections, tabular, cumulative, waveform, FFT etc.).

  • Data can be filtered, either graphically in plots, or from the data set (data point removal) with simple filtering, selection and delete operations. Complex Filtering can be applied through the Data Filters dialog with set-up save/load capability. Entire time segments can be removed.
  • Complex Data Filter dialog. The user can easily set the ranges, combine features and use AND, OR, Accept, Reject operations to achieve any filtering desired.

  • Data (AE or other) can be sorted to any of the available features. The user can thus time order data or sort them to view their structure based on a feature.

  • Filter data and save results back to a new DTA or DTA/TDA/WFS depending on original format.

  • Create classes and save results back to a new DTA or DTA/TDA/WFS depending on original format.

  • Manage Time Marks (Add, Edit, Delete) and save the information back to acoustic emission data files.

  • Special functions allow the user to optimize large DTA file loading (with or without waveforms) to utilize best the available hardware. Large files are considered with more than 1M hits.

  • Data projections can be generated based on covariance and correlation matrices to project the data (AE or other) to a maximum separation space.
  • Copy/Paste operations are available for data transfer to other applications. This includes data, waveforms/DSP/FFT and bin values in cumulative or bar plots.
  • Waveform Feature Extraction (FX) for the whole data set (all files/channels) is available with full hardware control. This feature applies only to Acoustic Emission data files (DTA, TDA and WFS). Noesis can extract features even break-down waveforms to multi-hits. Feature Extraction supports a large number of additional features in time and frequency domains. On individual records with AE waveforms the user can adjust the extraction parameters and temporarily view and compare the new features with the existing ones (see Waveforms/DSP). WFS and TDA files benefit from FX as they can be used in Noesis as any other data file and not just waveforms.
  • Calculated Features (CF) can be added to the data using mathematical operations between existing features (subject to Edition). A Feature Calculator is also available that can use functions such as trigonometric, exponential etc along with features and numbers to produce any feature imaginable. In this manner feature space can be converted to other scales.
  • Data sorting to any feature (Time, FX Time, other features)
  • Import external (user generated) parametric files.
  • Work with Time Driven Data only.

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