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Noesis Editions and Purchase Info

Envirocoustics responding to customer requests presents a new way of, actually, "building" the Noesis package you need from two base Editions (Light, Professional) with two modules (LOC, TXT) in any combination, or an advanced Edition (Enterprise) to meet the customer's data analysis needs and budget. The following tables list analytically all current Noesis Editions and Modules with relevant information regarding the available features in each case :

Base Editions :


  • AE Features Post Processing

  • Waveform Manipulation and Features Extraction

  • Waveform Digital Signal Processing (FFT, Spectrum, RMS, Autocorrelation, Segment FFT etc.)

  • AE Advanced Data Filtering and Manual Clustering

  • Easy Exporting to Excel & Other Windows Applications

Noesis Standard Edition comes with full support for PAC DTA, TDA and WFS acoustic emission data file import. It includes all basic software features such as multiple data file loading and time management, MDI etc. It also includes all of the basic data viewing and handling capabilities, such as all types of plots (scatter, bar etc.) and plot management (plot properties, pages etc.), graphical filtering, complex data filtering, time ordering, data sorting, hit selection, data deletion, statistics, clusters export to PAC files, basic waveform viewing, tabular views, copy/paste operations, background plots etc.
In addition to these features any of the modules listed in the MODULES description table can be added.


In addition to ALL of the features of the Standard Edition, the Professional Edition includes:

  • Pattern Recognition (Supervised & Unsupervised), manual or Wizards.

  • AE Data Clustering (Numerical/Automatic & Manual)

  • Neural Networks

  • AE Features Projection & Principal Components Projection.

  • Correlation Hierarchy and Dendrogrames

  • Discriminant Analysis & Statistics

  • Feature Calculator.

  • Waveform filters (Butterworth, Bessel, etc)

  • Windowing (Hamming etc)

  • Extraction of multiple hits per waveform

In addition to the above, Noesis Professional includes Calculated Features and the Unsupervised Pattern Recognition (UPR) and the Supervised Pattern Recognition (SPR) algorithms and functions relating to PR (e.g. pre-processing). It also includes extended data sets (testing, training, usage) and advanced statistics and correlation plots relevant to data and clusters. Data projections for all data are also available.
In addition to these features any of the modules described in the MODULE table below can be added.


Module Name



TXT (Text, ASCII, File Import)*

Allows the use and manipulation, using all Noesis filtering, viewing, clustering, SPR, UPR functions, of text (ASCII), tab delimited files.

Import waveforms in ASCII format for full manipulation with Noesis waveform functions.

LOC (Location Module)

Provides Multi Sensor Group Zonal and Linear 3D Location for PAC (DTA ,TDA, WFS) files including First Hit determination, Event Sequence of arrival and spatial source location between sensors. Noesis Location can use extracted arrival times (from Feature Extraction) to further investigate acquisition settings in location.

* Note that ASCII file support refers to the pattern matrix (i.e. data points) and NOT to waveforms.

Advanced Edition :


Noesis Enterprise is the most advanced Edition available. It includes ALL features of the Professional Edition, both the TXT and the LOC modules and the unique Live-SPR functions and Periodic Statistics. Live-SPR allows real-time data classification via Supervised Pattern Recognition classifiers and data processing during acquisition. The Periodic Statistics include functions to trace data and cluster evolution with comparative parameters and graphs.

The Noesis Software Package includes :

  • NOESIS installation CD and NOESIS Hardware Key (USB or Parallel)
  • NOESIS Manual. This manual is a detailed description of all software features and functions. It is structured in the same manner as the menu items in the software and explains each operation. Both manuals contain detailed screen-shots of the software to make reading and understanding NOESIS features and functions easy.
  • NOESIS Examples. Two examples that cover most of the functions required to use Noesis. One example is a description of loading data, setting-up graphs and doing standard data manipulation (e.g. filtering) and one examples that uses Pattern Recognition to create and apply a Supervised PR method.

Please contact Envirocoustics to find out about our upgrade and multiple license discounts.

For sales and technical information please contact Envirocoustics SA at the street or e-mail address listed at the bottom of this page.

Noesis is also available through the Physical Acoustics Corp. (PAC) sales network. To contact PAC see our Links page.