Acoustic Emission Based Detection and Location of Partial Discharge in Transformers


4th National Conference of H.S.N.T. and 2nd Balkan Conference of BSNDT Athens, November 2, 2002

Dimitrios A. Kouroussis, Athanasios A. Anastasopoulos, Apostolos N. Tsimogiannis


Partial Discharge (PD) is an electrical phenomenon that occurs within a transformer whenever the voltage load is sufficient to produce ionization, partially bridging the insulation between the conductors. In an operating transformer, any PD is a cause for concern, as it is one of the major reasons that can damage and shorten the life of a transformer. Partial discharge detection using Acoustic Emission helps to identify faulty transformers at early stages. Additionally, it is the only method available for locating the source of PD in-service and in real-time. Delays in manufacturing and repairs can be avoided, either at the factory or in the field, by applying Acoustic Emission techniques that can identify and locate partial discharge sources as well as loose parts in the transformer. The present work outlines the use of Acoustic Emission for the detection and 3-dimensional location of PD occurrences in transformers. Comparison with other techniques and characteristic case studies are, also, presented.